Economic update: a soft landing and a bumper crop

Ontario President’s Council

Sébastien Pouliot

September 9, 2024

About me

  • PhD from the University of California, Davis in 2008

  • Assistant and associate professor of economics at Iowa State University, 2009-2019

  • Economist at Farm Credit Canada, 2019-2022

  • Founded Pouliot Economics Inc. in October 2022

    • Expert services in agricultural economics
  • Dashboards


  • Global economy

  • United States

  • Canada

    • GDP growth

    • Labour

    • Inflation

    • Interest rates

    • Exchange rates

Global economy

  • The global economy seems to be stabilizing after dealing with the pandemic and high inflation
  • GDP growth forecasts from the July World Economic Outlook Update from the IMF
Real GDP growth forecasts
2024 2025
World +3.2% +3.3%
Canada +1.3% +2.4%
United States +2.6% +1.9%
Euro area +0.9% +1.5%
Japan +0.7% +1.0%
China +5.0% +4.5%
India +7.0% +6.5%
Mexico +2.2% +1.6%
Brazil +2.1% +2.4%

United States: a resilient economy

  • Election year!

  • Robust economy despite high interest rates, but some mixed signals

    • July and August job numbers were disappointing and caused volatility in the stock market

    • Strong manufacturing sales in July

    • GDP growth: Q1 2024 = +1.4%, and Q2 2024 +2.8%

  • Inflation is getting under control, touching 3%

    • A soft landing is becoming very likely
  • Growing probability that the Federal Reserve will lower its policy rate on September 17, and later this year


  • Inflation is getting under control
  • Signs that the economy is slowing down
  • Growing pressure on the Bank of Canada to lower its policy rate

GDP: sluggish growth

  • Slow GDP growth driven by immigration

  • Declining productivity (GDP per capita)

  • Soft landing very likely

Real GDP growth forecasts
2024 2025
Bank of Canada +2.0% +2.1%
Desjardins +1.0% +1.8%
IMF +1.3% +2.4%
OECD +1.0% +1.8%
TD +1.0% +1.5%


GDP per capita in decline

  • Reasons include:
    • Rapidly increasing population
    • Lack of investment in capital from a decade ago
  • Canada has a productivity problem
  • Economy running below its potential
  • Demand from consumers is shifting to lower-value products
  • High interest rates will continue to hurt
  • More interest rate cuts to come


Unemployment rate

Inflation is getting under control

Policy interest rates in selected countries

Interest rates in Canada

Exchange rates: Canadian dollar is relatively weak


  • Inflation for inputs has slowed down
  • Lower prices for grains and oilseeds
  • A new conflict with China


  • High inflation on inputs is over
  • Big crops mean low animal feed prices
  • Energy prices are down

Industrial product price indices

Animal feeds

Grains and oilseeds

  • Big crops in the U.S.
    • 15.1 billion bushels of corn (183 bushels per acre)
    • 4.6 billion bushels of soybeans (53.2 bushels per acre)
    • Nearly 2 billion bushels of wheat (52.2 bushels per acre)
  • High levels of global stocks
    • These will keep prices low for the next year





  • Gross margins have risen
    • This ignores increased borrowing costs
  • Lower feed costs support profitability
  • Look into the direction where the margins are heading rather than their actual levels


  • Gross margins do not take into account the cost of capital, which has risen
  • Likely a small increase of milk price in February 2025
    • Inflation is low
    • Small increase in production costs


Cattle prices

Cattle gross margins

Hog prices

Hog margins




China countervailing duties on canola

  • China launched an anti-dumping probe regarding imports of canola from Canada
  • Not a surprise
  • A step before China imposes a tariff on imports of canola
    • I estimated that the short-term impact of the 2019 ban a 5% drop in canola prices in Canada.
    • The impact likely smaller this time
      • Canada exports less canola to China
      • Canadian firms know how to get around China’s import restrictions
  • Other target could be pork
    • Unlikely
    • Pork prices in China have recovered from their lows
    • Pork exports to China significantly down compared to 2020 and 2021


  • Macroeconomy
    • A soft landing very likely
  • Agriculture
    • Input prices growing less rapidly
    • Bumper crops in the US:
      • Low crop prices
      • Lower feed prices